Three Surefire Mobile Support Strategies that Drive ROI

Three Surefire Mobile Support Strategies that Drive ROI

The unprecedented growth in mobile device adoption has given rise to the mobile consumer. There should be little doubt that mobile will become the largest engagement channel in the near future. The mobile consumer is forcing your customer care organization to adopt a new customer support strategy that meets the real-time, on-demand nature of a mobile user.

Self Service Mobile User Interface:

Providing a rich mobile customer service support channel, however, is far from easy. It comes with unique challenges, from chasing different device types and operating platforms, to the complexity of adding yet another support channel. The good news is that a well-executed mobile self-service strategy delivers more than a good customer experience – it comes with a significant and tangible ROI.

To achieve that goal, three different, significant and measurable ROI metrics associated with mobile self-service need to be addressed:

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