What is Contact Center Automation?

Contact center automation refers to the use of technologies like artificial intelligence and robotic process automation to handle repetitive tasks, manage customer inquiries, and streamline workflows. This improves efficiency, reduces operational costs, and enhances customer experience by allowing human agents to focus on more complex issues.

Why I Chose Contact Center Automation by Uniphore

“Uniphore’s product development and go-to-market strategy is focused on automating customer service operations. It is a pioneer in delivering conversational AI capabilities and has a differentiated value proposition for organizations looking to automate and optimize processes across the customer service value chain.”

Amardeep Modi | Practice Director

Why Businesses Today Need Low Code Contact Center Automation

Almost every business recognizes the importance of customer experience, but very few receive high Net Promoter Scores (NPS) from their customers. That’s because it’s nearly impossible to deliver an effortless customer experience today using yesterday’s tools and resources. No wonder customer experience leaders routinely cite lack of budget and lack of integration as their biggest impediments to delivering world-class CX. However, with low code contact center automation, businesses can easily add automatable capabilities to their legacy platforms—without costly coding and design work or investing in a start-from-scratch solution.

Reimagine CX With the Power of Contact Center Automation

Deliver Multiexperience

Multimodal Intelligent Virtual Agents

Empower your Employees

Real-time Agent Assist & Unified Desktops

Hyperautomate the Experience

End to End Contact Center Automation

Make Intelligence Actionable

Advanced Analytics & Knowledge Automation

We selected Uniphore due to the time-to-market advantages of their software and approach, and their expertise and success in simplifying and automating customer service processes.

Uniphore provides a flexible, adaptable and scalable solution that is very compatible with our existing infrastructure and strategic direction. The ability to implement the solution quickly, without modifying our existing systems or infrastructure, was key in our decision to go with Uniphore

Srinivas Koushik | Chief Information Officer
Nationwide Insurance

Automation Use Cases

When it comes to use cases for contact center automation, different businesses have different needs. For that reason, it’s important to first identify your business’ unique use cases—and the outcomes you hope to achieve—before you begin shopping for a contact center automation solution. That said, there are several contact center automation use cases that are common across multiple industries and business models:

Drive Self-Service Adoption

Contact center automation—particularly low code automation—can be easily applied to a number of frontend and backend processes. On the front end, when paired with an advanced conversational AI engine, contact center automation can help customers solve simple or routine requests on their own. By making self-service easier, this solution can increase self-service adoption rates and keep low-value calls out of busy call queues.

Reduce Call Times

So much of what prolongs calls—and frustrates callers and agents alike—isn’t customer interaction; it’s manual tasks. Data entry and other administrative tasks—especially those that require customers to wait or be put on hold—can slow calls to a crawl. By shifting the work from agents to automation, call centers can slash call times and holds, often dramatically.

Improve Accuracy and Reduce Errors

Call center agents are only human, and humans make errors. That isn’t the case with process automation tools. By automating activities like data entry and process execution, call centers can reduce the number of errors associated with human input and improve process accuracy system wide.

Automate After-Call Work

From generating call summaries and dispositions to executing follow-up or follow-through actions, after-call work (ACW) can eat up agents’ time and keep them off the lines. Contact center automation can make quick work of these time-consuming tasks. By automating call summaries using conversational AI-captured data during calls, businesses can reduce the amount of post-call “clean-up” work agents must perform. Contact center automation can also improve promise management by notifying agents when to fulfill follow-up/follow-through actions or by automating those actions outright.

We Do Contact Center Automation Differently

Contact center automation should be accessible to all. That’s why we built our low code solution with every business in mind. Now, CX providers across all industries can easily create a best-in-class customer experience—no coding experience or outside tech support needed. Only Uniphore provides contact center automation that offers:

No-Code Design of Rich Graphical UX

Deliver effortless experiences for your customers and your employees. Create rich UX with forms, menus, buttons, carousels, videos, images and more. Let your team develop and deploy changes, manage versions and more while enjoying full-blown integration to backend systems—all under mature governance processes that ensure business agility and robust systems management.

No-Code Design of Virtual Agents Using the Industry’s Best Conversational AI

Only Uniphore lets you understand 100% of every conversation. We’ve fine-tuned our revolutionary conversational AI engine to accurately analyze multiple dimensions of human communication—including intent, sentiment and emotion—across multiple channels. We’ll help you choose the best natural language engine that fits your needs. You can design your conversations and all the integration your intelligent virtual agents will need using no-code design and automation tools.

Low-Code Automation Design

Integrate to any system using standard web services and APIs—all from the same low code automation platform.

Multilingual Support for Your Customers & Employees

With natural language understanding (NLU) support for over 100 languages, we’ve got you covered. Automate your processes and conversations from the same no-code designer and simply configure support for multiple languages and scale your automations for your culturally diverse customers and employees.

Adoption Analytics for Continuous Improvement

When it comes to improving the customer experience or boosting employee engagement, one size doesn’t fit all. Learn why some customers and employees adopt your solutions while the rest don’t. Run experiments, examine heat maps and other reports generated from detailed audit data. We promise you’ll hit your KPIs again and again.

Multitenant Public Cloud. Private Cloud. On-Premise.

Our contact center automation platform is available across multiple geographies and supports consumers and businesses in many languages. Whether it’s B2C, B2B or B2B2C, we’ve helped clients automate customer operations at scale. You may simply sign up as a tenant in our public cloud or install the software in your private cloud or on-premise data center.

Elevate Your CX with Next-Level
Contact Center Automation

Assist customers and contact center agents in real-time with the next generation in contact center automation and intelligence, powered by the industry’s best multimodal AI and data platform

U-Self Serve logo

Boost self-service adoption with real-time customer assistance

U-Assist logo

Battle contact center complexity with real-time agent assistance

Forrester Study: How Conversation Intelligence Platforms Can Drive Better Business Outcomes